Jennifer Grant loves hanging out with you from 3pm-7pm weekdays on KTTI. When she’s not playing Today’s Best Country, she can be found watching her beloved Chicago Cubs as well as ALL the Marvel Universe movies, hanging out with her BBBS “little brother” Jaydon and taking her Jeep out for hiking and photography.
Jennifer’s Links
No more killing I have discovered I have mice. Now, I don’t want the mice dead, but i just can’t handle them living in my house. Because I’m an animal lover and could’nt hurt even a mouse, I was forced to find a humane way of catching them. These traps work great/pain free, mess free, and I can take them down the the park and let them loose.
Ship Wrecks I’m from Wisconsin originally so I thought this website was pretty cool. Plus I actually know how to pronounce the cities and towns near the wrecks.
Save the Manatee These are giant gentle creatures and since I’m an animal lover, I had to include them here.
Movie Mistakes Love this site. Full of movie mistakes and easter eggs.
Welcome to Neenah Although i was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, I really consider Neenah to be my home town. It’s where my Mom’s side of the family is from and I spent pretty much every summer of my childhood there. Very cool place.
Awful Plastic Surgery I don’t usually read gossip magazines or watch reality shows but I love checking out this website once in a while. Jeez-what were these people thinking???
BBC News from the BBC-kind of cool to see news from around the world told from a different point of view.
Yosemite is one of my favorite places-cool website plus they update their photos every couple of weeks so you can see the seasons changing in Yosemite.
The Smoking Gun Brillant. Enough said.
I LOVE webcams-here are a couple of my favorites:
Bourbon St. cam see how New Orleans is coming back
Mount St. Helens volcano-cam
National Parks from all over the U.S.